Covid-19: Information and Support
Telephone Support from the Farmer Network
If you are looking for help in any way, you can call the Farmer Network in office hours and we will help to guide you to useful schemes, documents or people. We can help you to work through documents or contingency plans and could help you to source supplies. Just call and we will help where we can. Outside office hours, please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Farmer Network Contact Number: 01768 868615

Farm Labour Emergency Support Scheme (FLESS)
The Farmer Network has created this scheme to help farm businesses in in Cumbria and The Yorkshire Dales who need of emergency farm labour during the pandemic. We will help to locate and secure the services of emergency farm workers (skilled, paid workers or volunteers) to undertake essential farm tasks, or support with deliveries/ collections, or farm paperwork. We are now creating a register of potential emergency farm workers.
If you wish to complete either form, please download a copy, complete it and return by email to
Downloadable Forms
The Farmer Network is urging all farmers to create an emergency contingency plan for their business. A template is also included on the link below as a starting point for farmers.
For more information please call The Farmer Network Head Office on 01768 868615.
Useful Information on Health & Safety and Contingency Planning
Useful Links
Useful Documents
Farming Charities Support
For confidential help for all the family for all in the farming community call the FCN helpline on 03000 111999.
FCN have helpful information on the Farmwell website :
Covid-19 News & Updates
Please click the link below to read our latest Coronavirus briefing. You can also find all current updates on our news page.