About The Farmer Network
The Farmer Network Ltd is a unique, independent, a-political organisation that is run by farmers for farmers. We believe that farmers work best when they work together. Created by necessity during times of hardship in the years following the foot and mouth epidemic of 2001, we provide help and support to farmers where it is often most needed giving us strong connections to all farming communities.
We have considerable interaction with Government Agencies, Civil Servants and people of influence within the industry. We also have good interaction with the public as we seek to promote farming and associated benefits to the public. Our membership continues to grow year upon year.
Company Aims
- To help maintain and develop a viable and sustainable farming community.
- To maximise rural income via food production and other activity.
- To help members save on Business Costs.
- To support, inform and educate.
- To raise the profile of farming to the general public, government and other interested parties.